Resources for Hurricane Maria Evacuees in Newark


With more than 35,000 people in Newark identifying as Puerto Rican/of Puerto Rican-descent, we anticipate that families from Puerto Rico may relocate to Newark in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria to stay with family members as they are able to leave the island.

One of the most important ways we can help families is to make sure their children are enrolled in school. Most students arriving from Puerto Rico will likely have no documentation. 

These students are considered homeless/displaced under McKinney Vento. Because of their status, students do not need documentation to begin school. Please do not delay registration for any student who does not have documentation at the time of registration. Students do not need immunization records to begin school. Anyone arriving from outside of the state or country has 30 days to provide immunization records. After the 30 days the families will need to go to the Health Department (free), a school based clinic (FQHC) or a provider of their choice to receive vaccinations.

Here you will find resources for families of evacuees. More will be posted as they become available.

Oct. 2 Memo on Enrollment & Registration of Students Impacted by Hurricane Maria from Gabrielle D. Ramos-Solomon Chief - Division of School Planning, Student Enrollment, Data Transparency and Family Support.

Food Stamp/Snap info available in New Jersey



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