Important Message About Mount Prospect Bike Lanes

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My goal is to help make Mount Prospect Avenue one of the city’s premier shopping districts, benefitting both those who have invested in our city and those who live and work in the community.

A recent streetscape project has dramatically improved the Mount Prospect business district with new sidewalks and curbs, ADA ramps, benches and trees.

However, the bicycle lanes that were installed as part of the streetscape improvement project have been a major concern for business owners and residents.

I am happy to announce that the bicycle lanes have been deactivated and drivers are now allowed to legally park next to the curb in the bicycle lanes.

While dedicated lanes for bicycles are a great way to encourage an active lifestyle and alternative form of commuting, I believe the problems created by the bicycle lanes on Mount Prospect Avenue far outweighed the benefits.

The city had no snow removal plan for the roadway nor did it have any street sweeping apparatus to clean the narrow bike lanes between the curb and the on street parking. In addition, during trash pickup days, garbage trucks would back up traffic because Mount Prospect was narrowed to one lane in each direction.

In November, I wrote to Engineering Director Phillip Scott requesting that the city reconsider the bike lanes. As a result of our collective action, the city has agreed to deactivate the bike lanes.

The actual lanes won’t be removed until Spring, but all signs indicating restrictions on parking in the bicycle lanes will be removed. The police have been instructed not to ticket anyone who parks in the bicycle lanes.

Please feel free to contact my office if you have any questions.



Anibal Ramos Jr.

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  • Monica Manilla
    commented 2014-12-31 23:07:28 -0500
    I knew it wouldn’t last…smh
  • Lourdes Patino
    followed this page 2014-12-31 07:48:47 -0500
  • Marilyn Torres
    commented 2014-12-31 05:03:15 -0500
    So how much was spent for those dumb lanes ?
  • Matthew De Fede
    commented 2014-12-30 21:38:09 -0500
    So I guess we are going back to double parking and blocking traffic anyway