Ramos Sponsors Legislation to Create Parks Advisory Board

ramosopenspaceannounce-600.jpgThe City Council has introduced legislation sponsored by Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr. to create a parks advisory board to oversee an estimated $1 million dollar fund to improve the Newark's parks.

The money will come from a open space trust fund that voters approved by voters in November 2014 that levies a one-cent per $100 of assessed property value.

"This legislation establishes the mechanism by which we will be able to begin collecting and investing the funds to improve our city parks," Ramos said. "We will be able to leverage both county and state funds as well as private dollars."

The fund will be geared toward maintaing city parks, preparing the parks for seasonal changes, and helping to insure that trash and recycling pickup occurs regularly.

Ramos has proposed amendments to the legislation as introduced to give an "advice and consent" role of the City Council. His amendments would require all advisory board members to be approved by the City Council and would additional require an at-large council member and a ward council member to serve on the advisory board.

The measure is scheduled for a second reading at the next council meeting in November.

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