The City of Newark will begin its Leaf Recycling Collection program on Monday, October 17, 2016, and it will continue through Friday, December 30, 2016.
Leaf pick-ups will be made throughout the City, between the hours of 6 a.m. and 3 p.m., except on weekends and holidays. Pick-ups will commence on Monday, October 17, 2016 and will continue through Friday, December 30, 2016.
- Zone A - leaves should be put out on Thursday for pickup
- Zone B - leaves should be put out on Friday for pickup
The Department of Public Works is giving the following tips to residents on removing leaves from your premises:
- Whenever possible, store leaves in a backyard compost bin. This method is preferred to reduce waste at the source.
- Leaves must be placed in a bio-degradable paper bag, which can be purchased from most hardware stores. Do not use plastic bags.
- Failure to use a bio-degradable paper bag will result in fines and the leaves will not be collected.
- Leaf bags must not contain branches, shrub clippings, or any foreign matter.
- Do not rake or blow leaves into the street. Due to state regulations, all leaves must be bagged in bio-degradable bags and placed at the curb. Failure to comply may result in fines ranging from $100 to a maximum of $1,000.
Residents wishing to immediately dispose of their leaves may bring the bags to the city recycling depot, located at 62 Frelinghuysen Avenue, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., until Friday, December 30, 2016.
If a city resident is using a contracted landscaper for lawn maintenance, the landscaper is responsible for disposing of the leaves. Leaves must be placed in bio-degradable bags.
Newark residents aged 62 or over showing proper identification can receive up to 15 brown paper biodegradable bags free-of-charge from the City. The bags may be obtained at the City Recycling Office at 62 Frelinghuysen Avenue, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
*Reminder: There will only be one (1) bulk pick-up day each month from October 2016 thru April 2017.
- Zone A – One (1) bulk pick-up (1st Wednesday of every month)
- Zone B – One (1) bulk pick-up (2nd Wednesday of every month)
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