Ramos brings second business improvement district to North Ward
Legislation sponsored by North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr. to create and fund a special improvement district on Bloomfield Avenue and Lower Broadway was approved by the City Council.
The BID designation will allow the city to impose a special assessment on commercial properties within the district with the goal promoting employment and economic growth as well as better residential property maintenance.
The legislation provides $645,000 for the Bloomfield Avenue - Lower Broadway Business Improvement District for the 2018 calendar year to be raised through the special assessments. The district is in both the North and Central wards of the city.
With the designation of Bloomfield Avenue, the North Ward now becomes the only ward in the city with two separate neighborhood BIDs. Mount Prospect Avenue was designated a BID several years ago and is run by the Mount Prospect Partnership, a non-profit organization that collects the special assessment.
"I am thrilled that we have been able to bring another business improvement district to the North Ward," said Councilman Ramos, who worked closely with business to create the BID. "I want to congratulate all the stakeholders including residents, business owners and community leaders who worked with us through the planning process and the Newark Community Economic Development Corporation for providing us the planning grant.
The BID will be run by the Bloomfield Avenue/Lower Broadway Alliance, or BLAB. All commercial properties within the district, including industrial and apartments with more than four units, will pay the special assessment. Residential properties with four units or less are excluded from the special assessment.
The BID will be able to provide a variety of services to help businesses and property owners, including funding the improvement of exterior appearance of properties in the district through grants and loans, funding rehabilitation of properties in the district, providing security, sanitation, and other services in the district.
"I am confident the new BID will result in improved properties along Bloomfield Avenue and Lower Broadway and improve the business climate."
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