WIC Office Coming to North Ward

VinceLombardiCenter-680.pngCouncilman Anibal Ramos Jr. today announced that the city has received approval to open a new satellite WIC office in the North Ward.

Ramos said the WIC office would open in the Spring in the Vincent Lombardi Center on Bloomfield Avenue. 

WIC, or the Women, Infant and Children Program, is run by the city’s Department of Health and Community Wellness. WIC provides financial assistant to purchase healthy food for children under 5, nutritional services, nutritional education, immunization screening and education, voter registration, and family care enrollment.

“Locating a WIC office in the North Ward has been my priority for several years,” Ramos said. “I want to commend Mayor Baraka and his administration for working with me to get this office open. Having a convenient office on Bloomfield Avenue will help many families in the North Ward receive the benefits the are entitled to.”

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  • Josie Osorio
    commented 2016-01-08 20:54:44 -0500
    I hope they hire people who would appreciate their jobs and treat people with respect!