Historic Street Signs for Forest Hill Thanks to Councilman Ramos

CliftonAv_TreadwellSt.jpgCoinciding with the 125th Anniversary of the founding of Forest Hill, the Forest Hill historic district is getting historic street signs thanks to an agreement negotiated by Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr.

The signs, which are larger than typical street signs and have the Forest Hill name as well as the city seal of Newark, are being paid for in part with a grant from PSE&G, which is also paying to replace trees throughout the Forest Hill neighborhood.

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Newark Unanimously Passes Wage Theft Law Co-Sponsored by Councilman Ramos

wagetheft.pngThe Newark City Council passed a law co-sponsored by Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr. that will allow it to protect workers from having their wages stolen by employers.

The wage theft ordinance allows Newark to suspend or revoke business licenses of employers found to be in violation of state laws governing proper compensation for employees.

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Coverage 2 Care en Newark – Dar Prioridad a Su Salud Ahora

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Hoy en Newark, decenas de miles de residentes han obtenido acceso a seguros de salud gracias a la Ley de Reforma de Salud (ObamaCare) y la extensión de Medicaid. Pero el seguro de salud sólo puede ser eficaz si se usa debidamente.

Residentes de Newark deben ser conscientes de una nueva iniciativa puesta en marcha por el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Estados Unidos para asegurarse de que todos los que tengan seguro de salud sapan cómo usarlo.

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